sometimes we feel that we are out of control thinking deeply in another way of all matters.
need things which very close to us but we cannot see it so we may lose it if we are continuing deal
with it wrongly .so we have to decide what we want and handle it in aproper way so that we willnot
regret someday.sometimes our feeling affect on us and we have nothing to do about it we just let
ourselves enjoy the time but to get benfits we have to know our feeling!
it means that we should know who really love us and will stand by us forever an never let us down
whatever happened . we need our friends to be closer to us to feel safe but which type of friends ?
there are alot of things occupy our life and we want some people to share it with us . make us feel safe and overcome most of problems or let me say situations not conditionally to be aproblem because sometimes we need somebody to talk with and enjoy our time with so we must be careful chossing these one so if we manage our time we will found that there are alot of things we miss it and we donnot do it coz we have no time to do it however if we make it we can be better
so everyone me and you it is better to think again and rearrange our priorities . chossing good friends, giving up Loss of hope and look to the bright side in our life and fix our defects as we can and catch all opportunities to live agood life . listen to others ,resolve what they say , try to get something useful,apply it on ourselves, look to the results, compare between the result and our predictions ,try it again with another idea and we can help ourselves if we understand our circumstances and be sure that we can be better and always keep these idea as an arrow which must be know it is destination.