Wednesday, September 17, 2008


sometimes we feel that we are out of control thinking deeply in another way of all matters.

need things which very close to us but we cannot see it so we may lose it if we are continuing deal

with it  wrongly .so we have to decide what we want and handle it in aproper way so that we willnot

regret someday.sometimes our feeling affect on us and we have nothing to do about it we just let

ourselves enjoy the time but to get benfits we have to know our feeling!

it means that we should know who really love us and will stand by us forever an never let us down

whatever happened  . we need our friends to be closer to us to feel safe but which type of friends ?

there are alot of things occupy our life and we want some people to share it with us . make us feel safe and overcome most of problems or let me say situations not conditionally to be aproblem because sometimes we need somebody to talk with and enjoy our time with so we must be careful chossing these one so if we manage our time we will found that there are alot of things we miss it and we donnot do it coz we have no time to do it however if we make it we can be better 

so everyone me and you it is better to think again and rearrange our priorities . chossing good friends, giving up Loss of hope and look to the bright side in our life and fix our defects as we can and  catch all opportunities to live agood life . listen to others ,resolve what they say , try to get something useful,apply it on ourselves, look to the results, compare between the result and our predictions ,try it again with another idea and we can help ourselves if we understand our circumstances and be sure that we can be better and always keep these idea as an arrow which must be know it is destination.

Monday, September 8, 2008


why did our life treat us as we came from deserted place. we donnot know any thing and we cannot affect on what happening around us. cannot take right decisions,trust anybody,know what we really need , know who really love us and who donnot care,find answers to many questions that we ask ourselves. coz sometimes we feel like an old person who lost hope and want to finish life as it is ,refused to analyize and take apath .like apersom standing in acrossroad and cannot find which road leading to happiness .

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

keep your chin up

why we have to keep our chin up?
why we have to hang in there?
does it mean that we have to put up with all matters?
how can we save our days from areal flop?
how can we save our selves from be given creeps?
when we have to go back to the drawing board?
easier said than done!!!
solving problems and how can we take adecision and when.

we have to keep our chin up and look to the bright side in our life to survive and it doesnnot.
mean that we put our problems without solutions.
all of us facing dilemmas and it differs from one to other depending on our status and conditions .
but each of us solving problems from our point of view but sometimes we find that it is not enough to find asolution so what we have to do to get out from these closed door?
most of us broke the door to get out. but if we think deeply we can find akey by which we open this door and go out withot any damage.
so the question here is how we can find these key?
first we have to keep our chin up and be positive to be able to specify any problem.
and when we find the problem we have to look at it from all sides not from the front side only .
we have to ask ourselves how these problem affect our behaviors and may be these problems affect us but not all the time .may be these problems affect others in the same way it affect us or it affects both sides in different degrees.
so any problem much be discused carefully before we take any decision about it.
we always have the time to think deeply in all matters but we donnot give our brain atime to think and resolve this problem so we find ourselves being trapped in acircle we cannot find its end .
so we find that we are facing aproblem that has no solution .
in this condition what we have to do?
we have to talk to others who we can trust,respect and love and listen to their point of view and rearrange all we hear and try to find the third solution which may be solve these locked problem or at least apart of it.
but if we find that others opinion are not suitable with us what can we do?
first we have to know that there are diferrents between the right solution and the perfect one
in all matters we take the right one which make us feel better and solve many prolems but i want to make abig gab between both of them
aperfect one needs from us to make sacrifice but not all of us have to make it depends on our values and many of us put it under apart of our dignity.
but if we donnot take it into consideration there is now way to solve these problems if we still as
we are.
so there are more than one alternate away from the perfect one or there are more than one right solution.
but we have to persevere and never give up and always Show of faith.
but it doesnnot mean tht we have to put up with all matters .we are ahuman from flesh and blood we have alimit of endure , we should complain to others and ask them for solution and try to trust and believe in what they said and try to extract asolution.
because if we are drown in troubles we cannot find our way and we get lost and suffer.
so we have to save our days from flop and misfortune and dealy by:
first there are no problem if we try to change our mind and change our point of view and recorrect our values this can lead us to think in another way and we can find solutios to these problem.
second take your time befroe make amistake to be aproblem , in other words be patient and try to fix mistakes before these mistakes lead to aproblem because there are adifferences between amistake and aproblem and many mistakes lead to problem so any problem created from mistakes.
third we have to look for the last resort which may be require asacrifice and we use these one if worse comes to worst and we need aquick solution which give us and others another chance to fix the ruins.

but sometimes there are people who feel fear and anxious while they try to find away to help themselves to find asolution to aproblem which created by others who give us creeps while they dealing with us and if they cause aproblem to us we cannot find asolution easily so we have to understand these dilemma and try to fix it step by step better than fix it one time.
so if our closer people make abig mistake we should deal with it wisely take into consiseration the nature of these relation and there is no problem if we make sacrifice if we will solve it and keep these people more closer or in good positiom in our safe aspect.

but what will happen if we until now cannot solve these problem we have to go back to the drawing board(start again from the beginning if the last try failed) and rebuild what we broke or others broke and try to avoid falling in these trouble again .

in the end there is no point in waiting in the line and setting with constrained hands , we have to do something to keep in progress and enjoy our times and feel ok about everything surrounded us . and we not always at right or at wrong we are humans and all of us make mistakes even small mistakes but still mistakes but we can shosse our destiny and do what we see in our benefits and keep things which CAUSE DELAY BEHIND US
{easier said tahn done} these is afamous statement we hear it but we donnot have to believe it all the time. we have to believe in what we can do and learn more to do more and we should develpe ourselves to be better and it is not defect but it is an advantage .

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


what does it mean for you?
are our lifes periodic that repeated after amean level and there are no somethings new after this period and we live on this period the happiest days.......but after that what will we see.....?
most of us being happy in some days and we ask ourselves why we are happy.but we find the solution because the reason is seen and aroud us .but what are our feeling seems to be if we are happy but we cannot find areason?
i see that we feel hppy because we find anew period in our life and this period is existed before so we cannot notice it or we cannot define it as areason .but we are happy that we want .....
no that we donnot want becaus if we let ourselves to live in aperiod may be we cannot get out from it and if we leave it we find adifficults to feel alot of things.........
and we loose ourselves
so the question here is where we are?
and who we are?
do we know ourselves?
can we be satisfied by ourselves?
we have to find ourselves before we forget it .
we have to judge it and recorrect alot of values.
every one has values differ from others so each person should know that he must have apersonality and auniqe opinion and develop him/her self before judge others.
but what does aperiod mean for us?
i mean we live agood days and this days are in the ascending part of the period i mean days. then after this days we find many problems and we converted directly to the descending part of the period that take us from this mood and after solving this problems we find that we repeat the same period.
if this way is the way which life treat us?
are we satisfie with it?
do we want to change it and find ourselves or at least and as abegining find our period.....?